Category Archives: News

Swiss Group Investigates Possible Collusion Of Precious Metals Market

Credit: Andrzej Barabasz (Chepry) / CC-BY-SA 4.0

Accusations or collusion in the extremely lucrative precious metals market has resulted in an investigation by a Swiss watchdog group. The price of gold and silver has fluctuated in the past couple of years. This investigation could discover that the price changes result from metal benchmark manipulation conducted by various banks worldwide. Continue reading

Hot Summer Sales for Precious metals

American Silver Eagle

American Silver Eagle. Credit: PD Photo

According to a recent Reuter’s report, US Mint sales of American Eagle gold coins and silver coins decreased in August. However, it was the second-highest month of sales this year, behind July, which saw the highest sales in over two years. Continue reading

Health Finds Silver Lining in Drinkable Book

There are various uses of silver besides investment. Silver-containing treatments such as silver nanoparticles are an effective tool for killing disease-causing bacteria. Recently, scientists from Carnegie Mellon University in the US have come up with a “Drinkable Book” containing silver or copper nanoparticles, which could make contaminated water pure by 99.9%. Continue reading

US Mint Lifts Allocation of American Silver Eagle Bullion Coins

American Silver Eagle

American Silver Eagle. Credit: PD Photo

After a nearly seven-month purchasing restriction, the US Mint announced on June 1, 2015, that the American Silver Eagle coin is now available, in unlimited quantities, for order by authorized purchasers. The allocation was set in place last November when consumer demands exceeded the mints supply of silver metal coins. Such rationing has been utilized, as necessary, since 2008 with periods of enforcement from six to sixteen months. Continue reading