The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society. Credit: Ahleong / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Though the experts say that the current prices of precious metals are comparatively high than they used to be some years ago, current prices send shivers down everybody’s spine who want to buy silver or gold. But not the Chinese.
Current gold prices are $US1593 an ounce, while silver prices are just above $US29/oz. Although the prices of silver and other precious metals are retreating, Chinese investors have interestingly started investing in gold and silver markets.
The Shanghai Futures Exchange launched its silver futures contracts. Though the first contract seemed to be launched at the wrong time, the second one attracted enormous interest from investors.
Though the Shanghai market seems to have made huge investments in silver and gold, it won’t be possible for them to achieve success and a firm position in the precious metals investment market, at least now, say the experts. But, despite that, they also add that China will rule the world of precious metals investment market soon as the facts and figures show that silver trading has a big future in China.
They also add that China will dominate the investment market of silver and gold rather than platinum and palladium.