Tag Archives: silver trading

London Metal Exchange to Reenter Precious Metals

Credit: Kreepin Deth / CC-BY-SA 3.0

The London Metal Exchange, along with World Gold Council, is starting a new endeavour called LMEprecious. Goldman Sachs, ICBC Standard Bank, Morgan Stanley, Natixis, OSTC and Societe General are co-owners in this joint venture. Continue reading

Speculations on Silver Prices – as “What is really Sky High”

silver coins

Credit: Pixabay

Silver prices hitting $20 per ounce leave the market speculating how much silver will rise in 2016. Due to the overall economic scenario globally and especially after Brexit, silver has had double the percentage gain compared to gold. Continue reading

Silver Prices Around The World Are Changing Mining Operations

The silver investment that most people make has been pretty stable, but people are getting concerned that they will not get the same returns they did at one time. Continue reading

Investing in Silver, Physical Vs Paper

silver bars

Credit: Dnn87 / CC-BY SA 3.0

It is often considered a good idea for investors to hold precious metals such as gold or silver in their portfolios to hedge against inflation risk and provide investors with the diversification that is simply holding equities does not provide. Continue reading

Silver Investment On The Rise

silver bullion bar

Credit: PD Photo

In 2008, the increase in silver investments had significantly skyrocketed. Silver investments have more than doubled the number of silver EFT funds.  Continue reading

Global Silver Prices to Climb Amidst Unsure Euro

Silver ingot. Credit: Aatze78 / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Chris Marchese, the co-author of The Silver Manifesto and analyst for The Morgan Report, expressed in detail his belief that the worldwide prices of silver will rise as investors turn to global standards. Continue reading

China Emerging as Ruler of Silver and Gold Investment Market

The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society. Credit: Ahleong / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Though the experts say that the current prices of precious metals are comparatively high than they used to be some years ago, current prices send shivers down everybody’s spine who want to buy silver or gold. But not the Chinese.

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China Looks to Become a Major Player in Silver Trading

Credit: Alchemist-hp / CC-BY-SA 3.0

China and silver have enjoyed a strong bond right from when it still issued a silver related currency in the early twentieth century. The entry of China into the global silver market is likely to end COMEX manipulation and reduce the volatility of the precious metal to a certain extent.

Silver needs to discard the volatility tag that gives it such a bad image. Also known as ‘devil’s metal’ by some traders, China’s entrance may further reinstate traders’ belief in silver as an undependable asset. But sooner or later, silver is bound to find stability.

Chinese retail investors are attracted to silver investment for its lower price than gold. The Asian country is one of the largest silver miners and the biggest consumers of industrial silver. At present, silver bullion and jewellery have attracted many investors doubling their investment with passing days. China is also a major importer of silver for industrial and fabrication purpose, mainly in electronic and solar products.