The precious metal silver prices have increased by leaps and bounds since the beginning of the year 2016. It has shot up by almost 50% and has reversed the losses of investors for the last 3 years. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Silver prices
In Post Brexit World Economic scenario – Silver preferred by Investors
Both precious metals, namely silver and gold, benefit from worries sparked in the market post-U.K.’s decision to exit the European Union or called Brexit. Buyers who feared an economic slump are investing in precious metals and is causing price rising. Continue reading
Changing Facet of the Precious Metal – Silver Usage

Credit: Pixabay
Silver, a precious metal also called the white metal, has been known from the early days of the evolution of human being. The well-known usage of silver was mainly for jewellery and as currency in coins, ingots, and bars in the early days. But in the industrial age, this has changed, and the primary usage of this precious metal is in industries now. Continue reading
Where Paper Currency Fails, Silver Flourishes

Credit: Pixabay
Precious metals have long been a sign of affluence in societal systems. However, credit was mostly given to gold as being the most precious one. Continue reading
Record Physical Silver Deficit Expected Globally In the Year 2016

Credit: PD Photo
The rising demand for the precious metal silver in the industry and the fall in silver mining will lead to an approximately 1,005 metric tons (mt) deficit in the year 2016, which was 793 mt in the year 2015. Continue reading
The Grey Precious Metal – Silver Prices Likely to Continue to Soar Further in 2016!
Various factors are affecting the silver prices in commodity trading, investment, jewellery and industry. The year 2016 has seen a continuous uptrend in this grey precious metal price. The silver prices soared by 27% in the first four months of this year. Continue reading
Silver as an Investment rather than for Ornaments – Guide to buy Silver

Credit: Mauro Cateb / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Silver is preferred by people across the world. May it be people from developed or backward countries. Silver has very unique properties – strength, malleability and ductility, high electrical and thermal conductivity, sensitivity to and high reflectance of light, ability to sustain extreme temperature ranges. Continue reading
2016 Rio Olympic Games Feature on New Coins Released by Spain
Spain’s Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT), in association with the Real Casa de la Moneda, is set to release two new coins marking the upcoming Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Continue reading
The classic Animated film by Disney, Dumbo, honored by New Zealand Mint
To mark the 75th anniversary of the film Dumbo (Released in 1941), New Zealand mint released two coins, one of Gold and Silver each. The design of these coins is identical, except for the metal used. Continue reading
Why the Silver Will Climb Higher in 2016 Despite Fed Uncertainty
Unpredictability is a buzzword today. There is a high unpredictability with the weather scenario. Weather scientists all over the globe are trying to collate information to understand the weather changes. Continue reading