Tag Archives: Prices on silver

Tips For Silver Jewellery Online Business

Credit: Nevit Dilmen / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Today’s fashion trends show that silver jewellery is highly in demand, much more than gold jewellery. Because the silver prices are far less than those on gold, silver jewellery is sure to hypnotize the world for many years more, say the silver and fashion industry experts.
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Great Opportunity to Buy Silver ETFs

silver bullion bar

Credit: PD Photo

As a result of the recent sell-off, the silver prices dropped down $30 an ounce. In the wake of the collapse of a commodities broker,  MF global, investors are more interested in cash. Many believe that fears of deflation and Europe’s debt crisis have enormously influenced the white metal. Some investors believe that it is a great time to invest in silver. Continue reading

Year 2012 To See Silver Shine Brighter

The year 2011 was pretty turbulent for precious metals. Still, analysts predict that gold and silver prices will go high in 2012 as both the shimmering metals are regaining their status as safe havens for investments and an alternative to bonds and funds.
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Precious Metals Prices See Downfall

silver bars

Credit: Dnn87 / CC-BY SA 3.0

The near future of precious metals such as silver and gold seems cloudy. Prices on these shiny metals are declining as a result of the dollar’s rally. The dollar went up high by 6% last month, and at the same time, gold fell by 11%.

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Why silver coins will remain a valuable asset in the future

Ancient Greek Silver Coin (Dekadrachm), about 400 B.C.E.

Ancient Greek Silver Coin (Dekadrachm), about 400 B.C.E. Credit: Flickr / PD Photo

Silver coins have been valued throughout the centuries. Earlier, the coins were made from pure silver, while the coins minted in the later centuries inevitably have some alloy mixed in the silver. This makes vintage silver coins more precious and rare, adding to their net worth. The more rare and scarce it is, the more is its monetary value.

Some industry analysts believe that the depleting resources of silver will raise the silver coin prices even higher. Various prices come into view that affects the prices of silver coins. A tottering economy, global economic turmoil make silver coins attractive options for their investment portfolio. Not only is it a precious metal but also a metal used for commercial use.

The use of silver coins as a monetary currency is halted as the silver mines grow small. As a result, the prices of silver coins keep on soaring. So investors who have silver coins in their investment portfolio might do really well soon.

Silver Price to Average $38/oz in 2012

Silver, also known as poor man’s gold, is expected to go down in terms of price, but Bart Melek, head of the commodity strategy for TD Securities, said that he doesn’t hope it will hit a record of lower price. Continue reading