Category Archives: News

China Emerging as Ruler of Silver and Gold Investment Market

The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society. Credit: Ahleong / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Though the experts say that the current prices of precious metals are comparatively high than they used to be some years ago, current prices send shivers down everybody’s spine who want to buy silver or gold. But not the Chinese.

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China Looks to Become a Major Player in Silver Trading

Credit: Alchemist-hp / CC-BY-SA 3.0

China and silver have enjoyed a strong bond right from when it still issued a silver related currency in the early twentieth century. The entry of China into the global silver market is likely to end COMEX manipulation and reduce the volatility of the precious metal to a certain extent.

Silver needs to discard the volatility tag that gives it such a bad image. Also known as ‘devil’s metal’ by some traders, China’s entrance may further reinstate traders’ belief in silver as an undependable asset. But sooner or later, silver is bound to find stability.

Chinese retail investors are attracted to silver investment for its lower price than gold. The Asian country is one of the largest silver miners and the biggest consumers of industrial silver. At present, silver bullion and jewellery have attracted many investors doubling their investment with passing days. China is also a major importer of silver for industrial and fabrication purpose, mainly in electronic and solar products.

Silver Market in Peru Hampered

Tetrahedrite Quartz

Credit: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Peru, the second-largest silver producing country globally, is experiencing a downfall in the silver market. Eclipse to the profits of mining companies in Peru is the indicator of decreasing financial benefits of companies.
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South American Silver Corp. Declares First Closure of Financing

South American Silver Corp declared its first closure of $6.4 million on 16 April 2012. Final closing is expected to occur on or before May 11, 2012, for the remainder of the Offering. Continue reading

Royal Canadian Mint Commemorates Titanic’s 100th Anniversary

On Monday, 5th March 2012, Royal Canadian Mint unveiled new commemorative 99.99% pure silver collector coins to mark the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking that went down on April 15, 1912.

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