Proof Silver £5 Coins with Watercolors by The Royal Mint

In their latest 2016 series of coins, the Royal Mint issued a set of four Proof silver coins – “Portrait of Britain 2016 UK £5 Silver Collection”. Glyn Davies and Laura Clancy, a coin designer duo of the Royal Mint, captured watercolour-style portraits of Britain’s best-loved natural landmarks. Continue reading

Precious Grey Metal Helps Miners Stock Shine

Silver mine

Credit: PD Photo

After the steady sink in the prices of grey precious metal silver for the last five years, which hit its bottom of five years in December last year, in the year 2016 there has been a steep rise in its prices, and it’s up by more than 40% since the beginning of the year 2016. This price rally is driving huge gains for silver mining stocks. Continue reading

London Metal Exchange to Reenter Precious Metals

Credit: Kreepin Deth / CC-BY-SA 3.0

The London Metal Exchange, along with World Gold Council, is starting a new endeavour called LMEprecious. Goldman Sachs, ICBC Standard Bank, Morgan Stanley, Natixis, OSTC and Societe General are co-owners in this joint venture. Continue reading

Silver Prices And Global Economy

gold silver coins

Credit: Piqsels

November’s presidential election uncertainty in the United States, the Brexit, the Oil meltdown, the European slumping economy, global banking policies and overall economic scenario are helping silver and gold prices to touch newer high every day. Especially silver prices are expected to be pushed upwards up to $30 per ounce by the fall of the year 2016.

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Is Solar Power Boom Supporting Silver Prices Surge?

solar lamps

Credit: Pxhere

The first half of the year has seen a huge surge in the prices of silver. Silver prices have shot up almost by 50% from January 2016. This has come after almost a continuous downtrend or steady prices of silver for the last three years.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Continue reading

Silver Prices Surge in 2016 – Opportunity or Risk

The precious metal silver prices have increased by leaps and bounds since the beginning of the year 2016. It has shot up by almost 50% and has reversed the losses of investors for the last 3 years. Continue reading

Speculations on Silver Prices – as “What is really Sky High”

silver coins

Credit: Pixabay

Silver prices hitting $20 per ounce leave the market speculating how much silver will rise in 2016. Due to the overall economic scenario globally and especially after Brexit, silver has had double the percentage gain compared to gold. Continue reading

In Post Brexit World Economic scenario – Silver preferred by Investors

Both precious metals, namely silver and gold, benefit from worries sparked in the market post-U.K.’s decision to exit the European Union or called Brexit. Buyers who feared an economic slump are investing in precious metals and is causing price rising. Continue reading

Changing Facet of the Precious Metal – Silver Usage

silver necklace

Credit: Pixabay

Silver, a precious metal also called the white metal, has been known from the early days of the evolution of human being. The well-known usage of silver was mainly for jewellery and as currency in coins, ingots, and bars in the early days. But in the industrial age, this has changed, and the primary usage of this precious metal is in industries now. Continue reading